By connecting board equipment such as GPS, AIS, compass, wind meter, log, autopilot or depth meter you will turn your laptop or onboard PC into a complete navigational centre. Thanks to the unique AIS extrapolation, passages are planned safer and collisions avoided.
To plan routes over shallow or tidal waters you can use the implemented NLTides database and new Stentec Tidal Service. Enter the sea gauge of your ship, download the latest tidal information and plan your route. WinGPS will instantly tell you where there is enough water under your keel and where your boat might dry out.
When planning a route for several days you will immediately see where you are on the desired resting times allowing you to reserve a suitable spot at a local port. Download the latest messages to mariners to avoid any inconvenient blocks along your route.
While sailing your route you can create multiple chart windows. For example, you can use one window to show your ship head-up and another window to show your final destination and your course towards it.

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More information:
WinGPS navigation software is available for Windows and Android devices which makes it possible to navigate aboard with your laptop, onboard PC, smartphone and tablet. One WinGPS license can be used on two different devices. You are able to plot your routes at home on a desktop PC with a large screen and transfer the data to your onboard device. Another advantage would be to install the software on a second onboard device as backup.
Download GRIB-files for a 7 day weather forecast. During sailing, WinGPS will show your current position, speed and course. Sailed routes will be logged which can be analysed in detail at home or be printed/e-mailed to send to the crew.
For the windsailing fanatics WinGPS 6 Voyager is the option to go for. Choose your ships polar diagram from an extensive list and receive the optimal sailing route automatically.