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Currents and tides update 2025

Currents and tides update for WinGPS Pro or Voyager5/6 and Inland (2023 and older)
Medium:  Download
Delivery:  Direct download
Price:  € 19,90
This product updates your currents and tides information for the mentioned calendar year. The information will be projected over your chart.

Please note: this product is only useful when you have a 2023 -or older- version of WinGPS Pro, Voyager or Inland.

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Detailed screenshots


More information:  
If you already own the latest version of WinGPS, you will receive a free update from the news centre.

Productspecifications  7060
Publisher:  Stentec Software
Edition:  2025
System Requirements:  WinGPS 5/6 Pro/Voyager or Inland (2023 or older)

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