Cruising Galicia

Medium:  pilot
Delivery:  1 week
Price:  € 45,00
Carlos Rojas and Robert Bailey


The Rias and Harbours of North West Spain from Ribadeo to A Guarda
This Imray Pilot covers the extensive cruising area of Galicia in the north west of Spain from Ribadeo to Bayona, where the beautiful rías provide shelter from the Atlantic in picturesque harbours and remote anchorages. The authors have spent several seasons cruising in the area and making use of their local connections have produced a modern guide that provides in-depth information necessary for yachts spending time visiting the rias and ports of Galicia. Annotated town plans covering over 90 destinations show shore-side facilities and recommended restaurants and side panels provide advice on interesting places to visit, local customs and features of interest.

Productspecifications  3247
Publisher:  Imray
Languages:  English
Region:  Atlantic

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