Germany and Denmark

Medium:  pilot
Delivery:  1 week
Price:  € 53,50
Nicholas Hill


This new Royal Cruising Club Pilotage Foundation title is the successor to Brian Navin's cruising guide to the area, covering the exposed North Sea coasts and the more protected Baltic Sea coasts of both Germany and Denmark.Coverage has been updated and expanded from specific routes to a comprehensive sequence of ports and anchorages along each area of coast, with introductory information about places of interest to visit ashore.Author Nicholas Hill cruised the region extensively for many years and has enriched the text with new photographs throughout. Plans include up to date hydrographic data for both German and Danish waters.This cruising guide is an ideal companion for those who plan to explore the more challenging, shifting coastline of the North Sea and the comparatively gentle and intricate indentations and archipelagos in the entrance to the Baltic. It is also a useful resource for anyone on a more direct passage through to the Baltic Sea proper.

Productspecifications  3250
Publisher:  Imray
Languages:  English
Region:  North Sea, German Bight, Baltic Sea

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