Inland waterways of the Netherlands

Medium:  pilot
Delivery:  1 week
Price:  € 30,95
Louise Busby & David Broad


With 6,000 km of navigable waterways, the Netherlands offers one of the most extensive yet compact cruising areas in Europe.

This book is a user manual for the entire sailing area, covering all standing mast routes and excluding only those waterways that offer less than 3.5m bridge height. Navigation details are available for each waterway, including dimensions and obstacles to be expected, including operating arrangements for bridges and locks. This is followed by details of more than 300 stops in all 12 provinces - some of which are large or popular ports, and others that are well off the beaten track. Notes on key features are expanded for nearly 100 'main locations' where more information on things to do and see is provided, as well as information on practical shore facilities and the authors' selective and subjective restaurant tips! The book is designed to be of interest to all crew members, not just the skipper or navigator, whether it is to determine how to approach a place, or to discover what to do or see of interest on arrival. Easy to browse, the book's illustrations have been selected to give a flavour of this water-loving country and to prepare the visiting sailor, both under sail and under power.
This second edition has been updated with changes to the text and maps. There are also many new photos by the authors. Louise Busby's interest in boating has led to committees for Motor Boats Monthly and the Cruising Association magazine. She is a former CA Regional Almanac editor for the Netherlands and Belgium. David Broad is a detailed journalist and log writer; many of David's notes and sketches have been used in the compilation of this book. He is a member of the Council of the Cruising Association and the Chairman of the Broom Owners Club.

Excellent English-language guide to all the inland waterways of the Netherlands.

Productspecifications  3381
Publisher:  Imray
Languages:  English
Region:  Inland Europe

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