Pilots & charts

In addition to digital, we recommend also having paper charts on board:

-The Delius Klasing paper charts now also include a digital chart in DKW format, which can be used free of charge for 1 year.

-The paper charts from Imray provide a nice backup for all your trips on our DKW charts from Imray, so you have the same chart image in front of you during the trips.

-The paper charts from NV-Verlag also contain a digital chart. You can also load this into WinGPS 6 for Windows and use it for navigation.

-A pilot is indispensable on board. All marinas are described in detail as well as all port information, shopping, and dining facilities.


Italian Waters Pilot

Medium:  pilot
Delivery:  1 week
Price:  € 67,95
Rod & Lucinda Heikell


Italian Waters Pilot is the only guide for yachtsmen in English that covers the coasts of the Tyrrhenian Sea, Sardinia, Sicily, the Ionian 'heel' and Malta in one volume.
This new tenth edition builds on first-hand research by the authors through the Tuscan islands, along the Tyrrhenian and Ionian coasts, to Sardinia and Sicily, Malta and Gozo.
Numerous revisions have been made throughout, with the text, plans and photographs undergoing a complete overhaul. Care has been taken to research the details of marina developments. Where it has been available information is given on proposed changes and extensions to yacht harbours. Marine reserves are now an important feature of the coasts and off-lying islands, particularly in Sardinia and Sicily, and this edition provides updated details of the latest regulations. Climate change and extreme weather events are becoming a major issue and this edition includes a section on the how climate change might affect sailing in the Mediterranean.
Italian Waters Pilot is the last word on the area for yachts cruising there and on their way between western and eastern parts of the Mediterranean.

Rod and Lucinda Heikell have also authored companion guides on France, Greece and Turkey which are acclaimed as the best pilot books currently available.

Recommended by the Royal Cruising Club and The Cruising Association.


Art.nr.:  3261
Publisher:  Imray
Languages:  English
Region:  Mediterranean

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