Pilots & charts

In addition to digital, we recommend also having paper charts on board:

-The Delius Klasing paper charts now also include a digital chart in DKW format, which can be used free of charge for 1 year.

-The paper charts from Imray provide a nice backup for all your trips on our DKW charts from Imray, so you have the same chart image in front of you during the trips.

-The paper charts from NV-Verlag also contain a digital chart. You can also load this into WinGPS 6 for Windows and use it for navigation.

-A pilot is indispensable on board. All marinas are described in detail as well as all port information, shopping, and dining facilities.


Adriatic Pilot

Medium:  pilot
Delivery:  1 week
Price:  € 64,75
Trevor & Dinah Thompson


In publication for over thirty years, Adriatic Pilot remains the only single volume to cover the whole region, from Albania and the heel of Italy in the south to Venice and Slovenia in the north. The ever-popular cruising ground of Croatia is covered extensively in four separate chapters.

This 8th edition has been fully revised to include new information on marinas, visitor moorings and anchorages, with all the attendant facilities available to cruising sailors. There is also plenty to give historical context and to whet the appetite for visits and exploration ashore. Plans have been updated throughout. Numerous photographs help to orientate, inform and inspire, including a new set of images for the Italian coast and Venice lagoon.

For occasional charterers or long-term cruisers alike, Trevor and Dinah Thompson''s thorough and comprehensive work should be the first choice of any cruising sailor wanting to make the most of this rich and diverse coastline.


Art.nr.:  3262
Publisher:  Imray
Languages:  English
Region:  Mediterranean

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