NV KAT: Atlas Chart case Kattegat

Atlas: 45x32cm
Chart for:  
Medium:  Atlas + Download
Delivery:  In stock
Price:  € 269,00
Affordable package including 5 atlasses (paper and CD):

• NV Atlas Serie 1 Kieler Bucht - Rund um Fünen
• NV Atlas Serie 2 Lübecker Bucht - Bornholm - Kopenhagen
• NV Atlas Serie 3 Gewässer um Samsö - Sund und Kattegat
• NV Atlas Serie 5.1 Zweedse Westkust Noord
• NV Atlas Serie 5.2 Zweedse Westkust Zuid
More information:  
This chart set is suited for all WinGPS 5 and 6series for Windows. You can create high resolution full color prints of your charts for your own backup onboard.

Please use DKW Manager for installation on Windows.

Productspecifications  6224
Chart Name:  NV 1 + NV 2 + NV 3 + NV 5.1 + NV 5.2
Producer:  NV-Verlag
Languages:  German/English
Region:  Baltic Sea
Edition:  2025
System Requirements:  Official version of WinGPS 4/5/6.

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