Pilots & charts

In addition to digital, we recommend also having paper charts on board:

-The Delius Klasing paper charts now also include a digital chart in DKW format, which can be used free of charge for 1 year.

-The paper charts from Imray provide a nice backup for all your trips on our DKW charts from Imray, so you have the same chart image in front of you during the trips.

-The paper charts from NV-Verlag also contain a digital chart. You can also load this into WinGPS 6 for Windows and use it for navigation.

-A pilot is indispensable on board. All marinas are described in detail as well as all port information, shopping, and dining facilities.


Stentec Tidal Service for WinGPS Marine (Plus)

Expand your Android system with the accurate Stentec Tidal Service.
Medium:  Download
Delivery:  Direct download
Price:  € 25,00
The Stentec Tidal Service gives you the most accurate information about the North Sea and the Waddenzee.

To use this extra information, you need a paid license of WinGPS Marine of Marine Plus. After completing your order, you will receive an e-mail with a license code. Please make sure you have the most recent version of the app. When starting up, you may enter your code. This will allow you to access the extra source right away.

Please mind: we recommend the usage of the Stentec Tidal Service in combination with our DKW 1800 charts.

Click on the image for a larger view

Detailed screenshots



Art.nr.:  7065
Producer:  Stentec Software
System Requirements:  Official version of WinGPS Marine or WinGPS Marine Plus.

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